Australian Government Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships

Australian Government Australia Awards

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade administers Australia Scholarships, which are long-term awards. They want to contribute to Australia’s partner nations’ development requirements in accordance with bilateral and regional agreements. They enable persons from developing nations, especially those in the Indo-Pacific area, to pursue full-time undergraduate or postgraduate studies at participating Australian universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes.

Australia Awards Scholarships give students study and research opportunities that help them gain the skills and knowledge they need to promote change and contribute to development in their home countries. The Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships enable Niue residents to study at a postsecondary institution in the area. A bachelor’s degree or certificate will be awarded at the University of the South Pacific (USP) or the Fiji National University (FNU).

Australia Awards Scholarships are available for the minimum time required to finish the academic program indicated by the Australian higher education institution, including any preparatory training. To guarantee the development effect of Australia Awards Scholarships, all grantees must return home after completing their studies to contribute to their country’s growth.

Australia Awards Scholarships give students study and research opportunities that help them gain the skills and knowledge they need to promote change and contribute to development in their home countries. To guarantee the development effect of Australia Awards Scholarships, all grantees must return home after completing their studies to contribute to their country’s growth. After finishing their scholarship, awardees must leave Australia for at least two years.

Full education costs, return plane tickets, establishing allowance, Contribution to Living Expenses (CLE), and other benefits are provided through Australia Awards Scholarships. Holders of Australia Awards scholarships will be expected to excel academically and face all the obstacles that come with studying in Australia.

All candidates should be prepared to study in English (which will not be their first language, the majority of them), live in a foreign country (Australia) with a culture that may be extremely different from the recipients’ expectations, and work under tough academic standards. Applicants must demonstrate maturity and resilience. Before applying, applicants should examine Australian conditions and their relevance to their specific requirements since stress from the scholarship may worsen pre-existing problems.

Priority Research Areas

The AAPS Priority Fields of Study are confined to undergraduate and diploma levels and include:

  • Education (including, but not limited to, educational evaluation); linguistics or multilingual studies; education training and development (early childhood, primary, secondary, non-formal, special, and inclusive education); and vernacular studies
  • Governance examples are justice, law, police, public administration, and social and community service.
  • Agriculture; computer science; engineering (civil, electrical, environmental, geospatial; marine, mechanical, physics, public health; renewable energy); economics; financial management and administration; hospitality services and management; information and technology systems; health and medical (nursing, nursing practitioners, pharmacy, physiotherapy, public health); skilled trades (carpentry, construction) are examples of sustainable economic development.

Scholarship Benefits

Australia Awards scholarships are available for the minimum time required to finish the academic program provided by the regional education institution, including any preparatory training. The following items will be given to scholarship recipients:

Return plane travel, a one-time establishment grant; full tuition costs; contribution to living expenses; an introductory academic program; basic student health coverage for the scholarship term, and supplemental academic assistance are all included.

Scholarship Criteria

Applicants for Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships must fulfill all of the qualifying standards outlined in the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships Policy Handbook.

Applicants must fulfill the following AAPS-specific eligibility requirements in addition to the general eligibility criteria:

  • Meet the minimum qualifications set by the institution and the specific program area, which for some fields of study requires the student to achieve at least NCEA Level 3 with 10 approved literacy credits at Level 2 or above (minimum 5 credits in reading and 5 credits in writing) and 10 approved numeracy credits at Level 1 or above;
  • Apply for one of the Priority Areas of Study outlined above; must not hold an equivalent TVET qualification;
  • Must not have accepted an offer from another institution;
  • Must not have accepted an offer from another institution;

How To Apply

AAPS Application Process

AAPS Application Process For Students Interested in Studying at

  • The University of the South Pacific (USP);
  • Or the College of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences of Fiji National University (FNU) (excluding Nursing).

You must apply online using the Online Australia Awards Scholarships Information System (OASIS), which may be found at:, and provide a completed, scanned paper copy of the institution application form.

Students seeking to study at the FNU colleges listed below must submit a hardcopy application and a completed FNU application form. Application forms in hardcopy are accessible at the National University of Fiji

  • College of Engineering, Science and Technology;
  • College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences; or
  • College of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Applicants must submit all of the required supporting documentation, which is stated below and detailed in the Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships Policy Handbook.

AAPS Document Checklist

  • Proof of citizenship (certified copy of passport or birth certificate)
  • Completed Australian Awards Pacific Scholarship application form with a recent image
  • Completed Australian Awards Pacific Scholarship institution (USP or FNU) application form
  • a copy of the NCEA Level 2 official transcript
  • A copy of the NCEA Level 3 official transcript, if available and appropriate at the time of application.

AAPS Selection Process

  • Applications and/or supporting documents received after the closing date will not be considered.
  • Applications will be shortlisted after eligibility checking
  • All candidates will be advised whether they have been shortlisted
  • The selection process includes an interview. Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
  • Potential outcome, specifically the contribution to development outcomes in Niue;
  • Personal leadership attributes;
  • Writing skills; and
  • Oral presentation.

Preparatory Training

AAPS candidates who are accepted will be asked to attend a pre-departure briefing in their host country. In addition, before beginning their academic program, students may be required to complete an Introductory Academic Program given by the host university. Successful candidates will be notified by September 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Get The Australian Award Scholarship?

Navigate to the Australia Scholarships Information System (OASIS). When you register online, you will be asked several questions to determine your eligibility. After that, you will be assigned a unique registration number, username, and password. You are not required to submit your application right away.

What Is The Australian Award Pacific Scholarship?

Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships give chances for persons from Pacific developing nations to study at chosen educational institutions in the Pacific area.

Does Australia Offer Full Scholarships?

Australia Awards Scholarships are available for the minimum time required to finish the academic program indicated by the Australian higher education institution, including any preparatory training. In general, the following advantages apply to tuition costs in full.

What Is The Minimum CGPA Requirement For Masters In Australia?

What is the minimum CGPA for a Master’s degree in Australia? There may be additional requirements depending on your selected topic and institution. Some may need a CGPA of 4.0 or above, while others require at least 60% in your bachelor’s degree.

Is It Easy To Get Scholarships In Australia?

Obtaining an Australian scholarship is quite difficult. Hundreds of scholarship applications are received each year from overseas students all across the globe. These scholarships, however, are only available to the brightest students.

What Is The Minimum GPA In Australia?

The grade point average (GPA) is the average of your grades on a 7-point system. 7 represents the highest (HD) GPA, while 0 represents the lowest (fail). Is a 5.5 GPA acceptable in Australia? This GPA is considered good.

What Is The Minimum CGPA Required To Study Abroad?

Anything over 3.0 is typically regarded as desirable and may be a minimum GPA requirement for most colleges, while anything below that is generally not considered a respectable figure. You may use a conversion table to compute GPA from CGPA. To give you an idea, a CGPA of 7 or above correlates to a GPA of at least 3.0.

Does Australia Offer Full Scholarships For International Students?

Australia Awards Scholarships are fully financed scholarships for overseas students. This fellowship is offered for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral studies and covers full tuition, travel costs, living expenses, establishment allowance, and other expenditures.

Can I Study In Australia For Free?

Australia has a broad range of programs that enable overseas students to study for free in Australia. However, certain costs, such as visa fees, may be excluded from your scholarship.

Is 6.0 A Good Score In IELTS For Australia?

To study in Australia, you must have an IELTS score of at least 6.5 overall, with no band less than 6.0 for your postgraduate degree. When applying for undergraduate choices, you must have an IELTS score of at least 6.0 overall.

How Much Is The IELTS Score Required For A Scholarship In Australia?

If you are a student wanting to study at an Australian university, you will need a minimum IELTS test score of 6.0 overall for higher education and 5.5 for immigration reasons.




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